Bill Shunn - Science Fiction Author / Midtown
January 29, 2007
That is a gorgeous photograph. It captures Bill's (Bill the subject, not Bill the photographer) intelligence and sense of humor as well as his handsomness. Absolutely incredible work!!
- Laura Chavoen

He looks a little like Damien Hirst!
- liisa Aufderheide

My boots have found their kin!
- Jacqui Thuener-Rego

The coolest thing is he didn't even kill that hat himself. No, it's still alive! Great photo. He looks very much on the edge of something, a thought or a word. D
- Murph -

While I am in no way contradicting the accurate and insightful appraisal provided by Laura Chavoen, I think she may be slightly biased. :-)
- Christopher Rivera

Great Photo! Love your work.
- Anon - none

That's the BS I know and love!
- Dasha Snyder

- Julie -