Jaime Mercado - Proprietor / Park Slope
April 10, 2007
Awesome. "Here we see the Grizlius mercado in his native habitat..." And what an appropriate name for a proprietor of a bodega - as it seems that's what he's standing in front of.
- Dan

love it

He's cute as pie. great image!
- Nicki

Okay! This says "dad" to me all over. I want to ask him about who got him that jacket and if his shirt snaps instead of buttons. Wish I could see his eyes more. I suspect they are amazing. Much love for this. Definitely want to make him cookies!
- Boo - http://www.xanga.com/Boowasborn

Oh yeah. I love this. The native habitat stuff works. =)
- AL

I don't know whether I can put an exact name to the reason but I love this photo.
- Audrey

Hm.. just noticed that my comment hold the potential of not sounding how I meant it.. what I did mean was that there are such a number of things in this photo that strike me as wonderful that I can't just give one general reason why I like it so much. It's the small specifics that stand out.
- Audrey

Love the reality. This could be taken in my town. So eyecatching and with so much personality. I love the splashes of color everywhere with the signs and the reflection coming from the glass door.
- Cheryl - www.myspace.com/jesusismorethanenough