Stan Kent - Author, Rocket Scientist, Former Nightclub-Owner / Hotel Gansevoort, NYC
July 05, 2007
quelle décadence... looks like a punk in a five star hotel... oh, wait... it is! ;-) funny one, bill. and perfect as usual. homeofthelakeslandofthecheese
- samsplanet

- Carlos Urreta -

this is the dope!! as my colleagues said!!! Awesome colors, light and the shoes!!!!
- Ela -***ELA***

Loves it!
- Mary

Rock on!
- Spamboy -

mmm Hotel Gansevoort...memories...two nights ago.
- Kaet

I like the blue light. Beautiful.
- Victor Puig -

yay. this is just fun
- KB

Old School. In that Sex Pistols kind of way. =)
- AL

LOVE his shoes, his hair, his whole place! He looks like he leads quite an interesting life. And this picture captures the best thing about your portraits- they don't seem posed. They actually tell you something about the subjects, and that's what photography is really supposed to be about. I tell you... you sir are truly an artist.
- Diane

Stan U look like a Rock Star
- Luis Pita

I've been browsing through dates that have some relevance in my life. What I like most about this image is the absolute uniqueness of the person in contrast to the cookie-cutter blandness of the hotel room. Great colors in this one. Great boots!
- James Curtis Smith -