Michael Trusnovec - Dancer / Studio
July 09, 2007
aaawwww... this looks somewhat posed, doesn't it? boring!
- samsplanet

I would say it definitely is posed. I don't consider that to be necessarily a bad thing. Most portraits ARE posed.
- Iris

yeah... i know. but compared to what bill showed us up until now, and hopefully to the end of the year, i consider this one to be a boring picture. no offence...
- samsplanet

You sexy thing! I love it.
- Michelle

I don't think this is boring at all. The light and shadow are great. There is a certain grace communicated here, which makes me smile considering he's a dancer. If the goal is to catch (or even allude to) the essence of a person in a photograph, then I'd say this image has succeeded quite well.
- AL

Beautiful picture, beautiful subject.
- Rebecca

Don't agree either. I think this is actually interesting, as Bill hasn't done too much of nude photography yet. I like that this photo appears really dark and that we can only see parts of his body illuminated by the lamp. Very nice job, Bill.
- Ela - www.photo.net/photos/***ELA***

Count me in with the fans. The photo seems very classical, almost like a statue. Wonderful.
- nuno

I like.
- Kaet

- Deana

The color on his back and the way the light reflects off of his left shoulder blade make this especially gorgeous.
- Tif

- Eran Bugge

I don't think this shot is particularly great. Bill, why did you choose this one? Obviously you've singled it out among many, I'm sure. Your model is absolutely gorgeous, but this moment isn't alive. I don't feel anything. His back has a lot of texture and potential expression, but it's wiped out by the lighting....let's talk about what makes this a good shot or not. This is only mean't for a positive discussion. -pk-
- parisa

Too dark, can't see the muscle definition, the light patches are too bright. Sorry Bill. You can always do me naked! I ain't no dancer though.
- Jackomo

I really love the gold and bronze tones in his skin. it looks like he's covered with a metalic powder. I love the framing, the way his body is posed, how the light is coming from the side and the left side dissolves into darkness. seems like an unusual shot for you, Bill - most of your portraits aren't this dark or raw.
- zed - www.zaedryn.com

The first thing that struck me about this photograph is that it has the light of a Vermeer painting. I am in awe of photographers who can make their work have the subtlety and warmth of a painting, and of painters who can make their work have the stark coolness of photography. There is very little of this project, Bill, which I haven't enjoyed. I just like knowing that every day you are creating something new, and every day I get to see it. Your tenacity is inspiring. - Your San Francisco connection.
- 415grl

Looks like the David in Florence! Good Pic!
- Teresa - http://pinkgigglepea.blogspot.com

That's weak portrait. Technically and conceptually. B5
- Borut Peterlin - http://borutpeterlin.mladina.si