Thomas Hawk - Photographer, Blogger, CEO / Yerba Buena Park
October 02, 2007
HEY!!! I know that ugly guy! Camera in hand, as usual.
- Brian Auer -

Gorgeous photo of that space, Bill. I really like the depth and textures in your photos.
- Jocelyn -

Great portrait... nice leading lines and framing. And I knew it -- that camera really is fused to Thomas' hand. I'm glad I found this site via it's great going through the archives and getting glimpses into so many lives.
- Celine -

camera in the far back catches my eye...
- samsplanet

Fantastic portait work. This might be my favorite so far.
- persnicketydame

Wow Bill. Amazing stuff my friend. Of all the shots you took I remember this one well. Right after you'd composed it there was a smile that ran across your face after you shot it. More than any of the others. The space works so well. The lighting across my face, the water and reflection on the floor, the great use of perspective and I especially love the juxtaposition of my camera vs. the security camera up in the upper lefthand corner. I enjoyed getting to know you better today, meeting your family, hanging out, talking about photography as art and camera gear and stuff. Thanks again for a fantastic portrait -- I'm honored to be included in your collection.
- Thomas Hawk -

great shot, amazing textures
- Carlos -

ooooo I love the perspective here, and Tom's hesitant look. Bill, this photo is really good... colors, light, the room, really nice idea.
- Ela

the one the only Thomas Hawk! Great photo of him and the geometry of everything..great lines and lighting..a perfect photograph.. well done Bill I'm glad you guys managed to meet up and get this one!
- Daniel Krieger -

Finally, someone made Thomas Hawk look good! J/K, however this is a fantastic shot. Well done.
- Kreg Steppe -

I figured he'd be in here somehow.
- carpeicthus

It was about time someone else took his picture :-) well done !
- Alex Ojeda -

The Hawk Man . . Great portrait Bill. Excellent balance of subject and scenery. Thomas's look is that of a piece of film constantly being etched upon. One picture, but yet a thousand ideas.
- Randy Carranza -

Thomas Hawk is beautiful. & a stud. & a loverly person. & my favorite Zooomr photographer. That's a great shot. Hope you come to London, too!
- Elinesca -

nicely done....a good photo of a good guy....line and perspective...the makings of a good photo... .......but he's gonna have to have that thing surgically removed from his hand....
- schwerd

Yeah, a Zooomr colleague! :D Well done shot
- Simon -

The finest portrait of Thomas Hawk I have ever seen. Superb idea for a photo project btw. Inspirational.
- Tom K. -