Max Saltonstall - Autumnal Juggler / Union Square
October 12, 2007
How can someone look so calm while they're juggling? That's talent! Great pic!
- Danny -

so very, very cool. yet witty & warm.
- story -

It almost looks like the pumpkins are orbs of light shining on the wall...the very interesting brick wall.
- Jocelyn -

That streak of light going across the bricks is a real nice touch.
- Mikey

The juggling is usually easy while maintaining eye contact, but looking off to the side made it much harder. Luckily those pumpkins (an awesome find by my wife at the green market in union square) were forgiving of a few drops. The wall is right around the corner from the Circuit City at 14th St.
- Max -

Brick walls ROCK!!! I love the color contrast and the juggling!!! Nice, dynamic photo, Bill.
- Ela