Laura Smith - Painter, Mixologist / Greenpoint
May 09, 2007
This is so pretty! I love the yellows... It looks really old fashioned (almost) because of her dress and the buiding in the background.... but then you see the lady on the bike, the street sign, the car... It's a beautiful photo.
- Elise O. -

It's a lovely picture! The yellow of her dress and the yellow of the building are great together.
- Laura -

I absolutely love everything you have been doing with color lately. What perfect timing with spring so bright and beautiful as well. Thanks Bill, Dan Northern Japan
- Dan

very pretty photo! a real eye catcher, so warm and friendly
- Rocky

Finally, away from the blues :) Laura looks amazing, and that dress is gorgeous! I love all the yellow in this picture, finally we have summer, and that's what this shot conveys! Great work!
- Ela

She... The photo... GORGEOUS.
- Mary

Bill, stop it. Three stunning photos back-to-back?!?! OK, maybe, I'm not the most objective person on this picture -- I've always admired this church building, & using it as the backdrop for a blond woman with a yellow dress is simply beautiful.
- nuno

The use of light and color similarity in this picture is dazzling.
- Eaglefille -

the power of you photography is horrifying, somehow you've made my beloved nyc look like hesinki.
- adrian

the power of your photography is horrifying, somehow you've made my beloved nyc look like hesinki.
- adrian

- Danielle Ngo