Kimberly Grigsby | Musical Director, Spring Awakening / Eugene O'Neill Theatre
December 15, 2007
Lovely tone. So warm and smooth.
- Jordan Ogren - http//

ooh I love it! a very cool shot of someone who seems to be a very cool woman. gives me a sense of her as well as the atmosphere and setting of a show I've heard SO much about.. ;-)
- andrea -

I love the portrait behind her head. I was thinking something along the lines of her blossoming, then I read the "Spring Awakening." It's wonderful.
- Jen

The painting, I mean, not the portrait...
- Jen

Wonderful setting with rich, warm tones. I thoroughly enjoy the bare feet and Kimberly's Mona Lisa smile!
- Julie

One of my favorites. Rich in color, character and charm.
- James Curtis Smith -

The light, the atmosphere, the portrait 'radiates'.
- Ulrich -

This woman is incredibly beautiful in person, and you have captured her grace and glow.
- David Q

The subject is gorgeous as is the composition of the picture itself. She looks like she's "home." You captured a quiet joy and peace about her that makes her inner beauty stand out as much as her external beauty does.
- Bryan

You have captured her spirit: warm, carefree (bare foot in the air) and careful (foot on the pedal), and somewhat mysterious. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you.
- Toay -

Interesting picture. The empty chair? The whole piano? They don't add to the story and contribute too much bulk to the image of interest. I like the painting on the wall and the bare feet. I cut and pasted the picture and cropped to eliminate most of the piano and got what I thought was a better portrait. The colors and lighting are nice. I agree with all the previous posters except the one on composition.
- John Andrews

ermm,,, surely the empty chair and piano *do* add to the story, as she's the musical director and therefore moves between both piano and organ on stage?!
- andrea -

pretty cool, I love old looking photos of yours. Kimberly is almost a surprise to be there, and the fact that she is barefooted adds some fun to this picture. Really nice lighting, really good photo.
- Ela

I love this one! The piano, the rose print behind it, Kimberly in her bare feet.... This is beautiful, and it speaks about the joy of music.
- Diane

Wow Bill. This is... devine.
- Mary

One more thing... I just saw Spring Awakening Dec. 16th and I looked over at her and noticed at one point during the performance that she wasn't wearing any shoes... Interesting! Just caught that!
- Mary

Wow ! stunning picture ! I like all the place with the pianos... fantastic picture !
- Victor Puig -

i love this pic!! awesome
- singapore industrial photograp -

I love her bare feet.
- Brian