Tom McDonnell | Compulsive Yard Worker, Gun Collector / Litchfield, CT
December 25, 2007
All the wood is very interesting... I love the lighting. Tom has somewhat of a grin... Warm, yet sort of creepy (in a sweet way). The contrast makes me feel uneasy... Hey, it moves me. What can I say? Haha too much Christmas food. I'm not making any sense now. Love you, Bill. I can't believe its already coming to the end of this project!!! You're an inspiration.
- Mary

I was wondering what you were going to do for Christmas. I figured your mom or sister. I didn't even think of Tom. He looks good. 37 years, and I didn't know he was a gun collector. Anyway, Merry Christmas. You were in my thoughts today (as well as everyone else in your family), as I showed you off to my wife's family. They were as impressed as everyone else I've introduced to your work. You're a natural at this stuff. Keep up the good work. Merry Christmas to everybody. Your cousin, Daryle
- Daryle

excellent stuff! love the way you've framed him with the cabinet. poifect.
- Andrea -

Very cool - almost a study in duality. Anyone else starting to get stressed, wondering who Dec. 31 is gonna be? :)
- Peter -

A quick glance and i thought i saw a musician with some sort of oboe! Then my page scooted down of its own accord to the caption and i was taken by surprise. An interesting, provocative, and maybe a little controversial portrait for Christmas Day. Happy christmas one and all, peace on earth etc. x
- Simon

This is fantastic, I love it! Bill it's hard to believe the year is almost over - congratulations and enjoy these last few days. You are amazing!
- Becca Brown

I thought it was an oboe at first too. I like the glass cabinet! The serene flowers and birds on it seem odd near all the guns, but it makes the photo more interesting. Merry Christmas!
- Danielle

Bill - I can't imagine what I'm going to do when this project is done. It the first website I check every day. This site has inspired me to try photography again after a 15 year hiatus. Thank you for that. I walked my family through every photo on Christmas day. It was fun debating our favorites. I hope you have another project we can enjoy.
- Aaron -

All the browns woods makes it warm. That's another boy right there and that one isn't going to shoot his eye out. There is a precision to it as well as that little boastful playfulness of showing the toys. Well, weapons.
- Boo

What a way to say Merry Christmas! :)
- Kevin A Barry -

"Now tell me, son... what time you gonn' have my daughter home?"
- Alessandra

nice pic..merry christmas!!
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