Andrew King | Best Friend, Co-Owner of Squarewave and Liam / Southbury, CT
December 26, 2007
I don't know whether he's going to hit the engine or the photographer with that mallet. He looks michievous enough to do either!
- Jen

dude! what a handsome guy... must run in the family. love your portraits, bill, and looking forward to seeing you
- patty -

really like this one. I like the seasonal snow and light. "The snow is coming down/On our New England town..." Btw, Andy, I know I don't own a car or anything, so don't really know what I'm talking about: but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to hit them with hammers.

I have been watching the 365, just discovered it not long ago, maybe thanks to Chase Jarvis fav's. Very inspirational, and there is not a bad shot here. I am a pro shooter and always looking for new inspiration, thank you Mr. Wadman I tip my hat too you. Now as for this shot...a quote a buddy sent me sometime ago.. "remember, if you can't fix it with a hammer, it is an electrical problem." thought that fitting for the above picture, and compelled me to write. thank you again for the wonderful images.
- tim swanky -

I like his eyes in this photo. He looks mischievous although there is something very Feliz the Cat about the choice of a hammer. So, I'll bite, what's Squarewave and Liam and why isn't there a website listed on Google? :)
- Kevin A Barry -

at work we call this tool "the pursuader" works everytime. the gleem off his wedding band is breakin' all the ladies' hearts! nice shot b
- csd

that doesn't look like a tt engine, but i'm sure that hot guy could fix it. even with a hammer. great shot bill - love it.
- co-owner of liam

What an absolute cutie.
- Boo

You need a bigger hammer for that job.
- Jack H

- jmfg

- jmfg

[So, I'll bite, what's Squarewave and Liam and why isn't there a website listed on Google?]. .. hey kevin, it's liam is my son.
- Andrew King -

He looks swarthy! I like it. Swarthy people rock - I should know, I'm uber swarthy.
- Jason

hubba hubba
- anonymous

Nice job!
- Alex Filipovici -