Megan Kohli - Park Ranger, Outdoor Educator / Grand Canyon, AZ
October 07, 2007
The bridge between her lenses supremely confuses me
- John

I second that, John. Bill, I appreciate the way the spectacular veiws of the landscape arn't "in" the shot as more as they are. It's too easy to take a good picture at the Grand Canyon. After all, it's 365 Portraits, not Landscapes. I like that the Canyon is still in the background. Still a part of the picture but not the focus. Your picture causes me to imagine for Megan's life too, the Canyon is a part of the picture but not the focus. Cheers
- Asymptote

I like this one. Megan looks like an interesting person.. this picture makes me want to talk to her. The background is stunning, of course. I like the colors here, too. Nice job as always, Bill.
- Amy

there is ALOT going on behind those lenses. i am so curious about this woman and her life...well done Bill...!
- story -

Love it! It is a really nice portrait, you get a really interesting personality here, and the background adds to the beauty of this photo. I am glad you went on this trip Bill, coz we are getting more different people again... NYC started looking the same :/ this is really making your project amazing.
- Ela

great colors here. beautiful shot
- Daniel Krieger -

Another great portrait. I also am distracted by the bridge of her glasses though. For a portrait, it distracts from what should be the focalpoint of the image, the person. I look at the image and I'm trying to figure out if she has a pine need stuck in her glasses, has some really nasty age lines above the bridge of her nose, or what.... If I would have caught that during the shoot, I would have asked her to remove her glasses (if she didn't mind)... Keep up the great work!
- latoga -

I agree with most everybody, but mostly John. The glasses throw off the tone of this photo. The picture speaks of nature and the great out doors. The glasses say "Meet George Jetson."
- Mikey

got to say I disagree about the glasses comments. her choice of glasses says something about her personality. I like the fact that she's this fresh-faced, outdoorsy, down-to-earth Park Ranger... who likes those glasses. and I don't find them distracting at all.

What wonky wonderful glasses! And, yes, I agree they say much about the wearer! :-) I'm trying to imagine what obscure eyewear shop somewhere in AZ carries these glasses. And what a fascinating reflection in the her lower left lens...but enough about the glasses . . . Bill, love the image of the Ranger in her natural environment! She appears a bit pensive - perhaps not accustomed to a tourist requesting her photo in front of her grand view. Love the rich variety of colors and textures in the backdrop. Thanks for the beautiful pictorial of the great American west and the rich personas discovered there through your lens. Cheers!
- Libby